JCPAK PLASTIC CO., LTD. is a professional Taiwanese designer and manufacturer of plastic thermoforming packaging containers. We supply packaging solutions for a wide range of food service products mainly in PS, OPS, PP, PET, PLA. As a professional manufacturer of food packaging products, JCPAK provides innovative, value-added products with the highest standards of quality and service. Today, our product solutions fulfill this vision and keep commitment to the success of all our customers around the world. Our products and services include - Sushi Containers, Party Trays, Microwavable Containers - Fruit Container, Salad Bowl, Deli Containers - Thermoforming Packaging Container - Tailor-made custom design for all industries - Product design, sampling, tools development and manufacturing

  • 7F., No.978, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd.,
  • 115
  • 886-2-27586679
  • 886-2-27583379
  • Sales (Sales Director)
  • 886-9-13062818